One way to make a difference…

Current threats:

Protection Legislation:  The Character Preservation (Barossa Valley) Act 2012 (SA) is being challenged. This piece of legislation has been designed to protect the Barossa, its distinct character, essence and history.

Planning Reform: The South Australian Planning Reform – Planning and Design Code implemented in May 2021.

Community Action:  Constantly engaging with our community on matters that align with our Missions and Values.


Full details on the Barossa Region Residents’ Assocaition actions to support the above priorities can be found here

Your donation is incredibly important!

Alternatively, you can make a direct deposit using the following account details.

Bank:   BankSA     

Account name : Barossa Region Residents’ Association              

Account:  052 399 740

BSB: 105-055

Reference: Please enter your name.

We are required to keep a reference of all donations received, so if you decide to make a direct deposit, please email and indicate your name and postal address. We want you to know that any details of donations are kept completely confidential. Only a limited number of committee members have access to the Barossa Region Residents’' Association bank account, and all committee members are bound by confidentiality agreements.