Becoming a member enables our community voice to get a little stronger. Clearer. United.

In order to really make your voice heard, apply to become a member of the Barossa Region Residents’ Association.

  • Membership is an annual fee of $25 and is due on 1 July each year.

  • Members must agree to the Objects and Purposes as laid out in the Constitution and provided below.

  • Membership is by application and approval by the Committee.

  • There are two types of members:

    1. Residents’ Association Member: For people who have their permanent residence within the Barossa GI or Barossa Character Preservation Zones.

    2. Residents’ Association Friend: For people who value the Barossa and desire to support it but fall outside of the above requirements.

    • Both membership types are warmly welcome to support this group.

This Association is well equipped to take on any appropriate project for the best outcome for our community.

Please complete the Membership Application form at the ‘Join Us’ link below to take the next step in making your voice heard and your vote count.


Objects and Purpose.

The Objects of the Association shall be –

  1. The conservation of the unique community character and heritage of the Barossa Region and adjacent areas, a region which is primarily depended on its vineyards, wineries, and agriculture.

  2. To foster and further the interests of residents of the Barossa Region as contained in (1) and deal with any matters appertaining to the conservation of this unique area.  

  3. The preservation of significant historical and present cultural interests and property amongst the rural and natural landscape within the Barossa region.

  4. To acknowledge historical practices that are traditionally practiced, recognised and identified as unique to the Barossa region, and practiced throughout the viticultural, agricultural, scenic, tourism and associated enterprises of the region.

  5. To protect the Barossa Districts' unique heritage, culture and integrity by maintaining and preserving the rural amenity, rural character and scenic vistas vital for tourism, and acknowledging that future development should be well designed and supports, rather than detracts from the dominant land uses. 

  6. Environmental health and sustainability of the Barossa region, and the engagement of the community will be encouraged.

  7. To do all lawful things incidental to the promotion and attainment of the objectives of the Association.   

 Barossa Region Residents' Association Member Application

$25.00 AUD every year

Member Applications need to be approved by the Committee.